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Blogshares Links

The BlogShares fantasy blog stock market.

BlogShares Price Tracker
I wrote this program to archive information from the BlogShares fantasy stock market. You can view graphs of any industry, and analyze your portfolio.

SproutWorks Projects

Digg Archive
A new experimental Digg page.
AJAX Pixel Editor
A Collaborative pixel editor currently in development.
Web promotion links
These tools help you get visitors on your website.
My photography Site
I designed this blog indexing tool, and it has accumulated over 6 million blogs so far.
Some of the programs I've written.
SproutTree Demo
A demo of a tree-drawing PHP script.
My Gallery

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sprout man

Hi, this is Brandon Smith, the designer and programmer of the site you are viewing. This is a great place to start if you want more people to visit your site and you don't have a huge advertising budget. The way most of the sites on this page work is that you earn credits for viewing web sites. You can use your credits to have people view your site. You can also run banners on most of these sites, and win bonus prizes. If you can get other people to sign up under you, they help you earn more.

Manual surf traffic exchanges
You have to manually click to view the next page. You usually have to view a page for 20-30 seconds before you can move on to the next page. The benefit to this is that people actually view your site, and if it interests them, they may click on something you have to offer.

While you are surfing, every once in a while a bonus page comes up where you can win a few extra credits. No More Hits
Hit Harvester

Traffic swarm gives you a group of ads and you can choose which one you want to view. Each ad is worth between 1 and 5 credits.
An underwater themed traffic exchange. Mystical Maze Every time you view 10 sites, you get to play in the maze. Each time you play the maze, you choose a direction to go. You win some credits for solving a maze, and sometimes there are mystical spots that give you credits as well.
This exchange places you in syndicates which collectively earn downline members.
For Recycled hits any Hit Exchange will do, but for Quality Traffic, try iLOVEclicks
I Love Hits
Viral Visitors
Viral Visitors has a "boondoogle" that gives you a few extra credits if you click it when it turns green. Clickaholics
Clickaholics has lizard bonuses worth from 1 to 999 credits. Hit Safari A jungle themed manual traffic exchange
Bionic Hits
When you sign up for Traffic Pods, you get 250 credits to start with. To unlock your credits, you must surf through 10 pods. Each pod contains 10 sites, and is owned by a Traffic Pods member. Owning a traffic pod earns you bonus points as people surf your pod. Fontoon

Auto surf traffic exchanges
You view a webpage that surfs other sites automatically. This requires less work on your part, but visits you recieve might not be viewed by a person.

CAN - Autosurf You get 10,000 free credits for signing up.
360 Hits You can earn up to 360 credits an hour.
Earn money surfing web sites, and advertise your site.

Safelists are lists of people that agree to receive emails from other members in the list. They are a great way to get your message out to a lot of people.

Ad Tactics
A free, very responsive, credit based safelist with over 2,500 members A credit based safelist which requires people to view your site for 15 seconds to get credits.

Matrix Websites
Matrix websites give you commisions for people that you have refered, or people that sign up after you have.

Downline Blaze


Cyberwheelers helps you keep track of your accounts on traffic exchanges, so you can make one page with all your referal links. You can also display your banners on Cyberwheelers.